Friday, June 26, 2009

2008 Annual Report

The 2008 Rainforest Biodiversity Group Annual Report is now available online at: Last year was a very productive year for our organization. Many advancements were achieved for our Costa Rican Bird Route project (, efforts that include advancing the sites of the Bird Route toward becoming more sustainable; planning training sessions for local guides; and lots of promotional efforts for the project. The most notable of which is getting highlighted in the 2009 version of the Lonely Planet Guide to Costa Rica! Very exciting. We thank all of our supporters for helping us reach our goals!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Fun

Hi everyone! Summer is in full swing here in Madison, WI, and there is no shortage of things to do here. So much so that we have been finding it hard to blog, because it's too nice out to be on the computer! One of the many fun things about summer here in Madison is all of the festivals and farmer's markets. Rainforest Biodiversity Group recently set up a booth at a local favorite, the Waterfront Festival. This was our third year in a row at this festival, and once again, it was a delight to be able to share information about who we are and what we do with so many interested folks. We're hoping to do another festival in August as well as have a table at the Farmer's Market on the Capitol Square, which will be our first time at this venue. This farmer's market is the largest in the United States, so we're excited to have another opportunity to do some grassroots outreach and education.

Hope you're all having fun and safe summers!